10 Factors to Consider when Choosing an Industrial Printer
1. Price
As with anything we can always argue that the most important part of purchasing any item is the cost of it. Getting value for money is especially important in business environments where budgets might be tight. Industrial Printers can be expensive investments so doing some research and comparing different suppliers and types will lead you to find the best price around.
2.Printing Capability
The amount of pages per minute an industrial printer can produce is a main factor in the decision making process. This usually depends on the size of your company and amount of paper you expect to go through per day. If you are looking for large quantities of print jobs with fast turnovers then you will be looking for a top of the line industrial printer that can print around a hundred pages per minute.
3. Size
Certain industrial printers can be quite large and take up a lot of space in the office. This may not be ideal in smaller work-spaces where a big device would take away valuable area. In this case a smaller industrial printer that can sit upon a desk would be much more ideal. This may take from the amount of pages per minute expected to be printed but the smaller ones can still be of the highest quality.
4. Sustainability
Whenever we buy an electronic device we want to know that it’s not going to break after a month’s use and printers are no exception. Many companies spend lots of money on repairing and maintenance of older printers rather than just buying new, more sustainable ones. Modern industrial printers are much more reliable but you should still make sure to get a good guarantee when making your purchase and read reviews to make sure it is not prone to breakage.
5. Environmental Safety
In today’s environment one of the most important social issues is our environment and how we are destroying it through pollution. It is even worse for a business to be seen adding fuel to this fire by using electrical devices that are not environmentally friendly. This is bad for publicity and your own employee’s health. Make sure to buy industrial printers that use recycled plastic and components that omit little amounts of harmful gases.
6. User Difficulty
In any office there are those of us who are good with technology and others who are not so good. When purchasing a printer that is intended to be used by everyone you must consider this and cater for the most technology challenged person rather than the most advanced. Simplicity is the key here; make sure it is easy to log in, connect and print without having to go through too many processes or learn complex information.
7. Multifunctional Options
Many modern industrial printers offer more than just a printing service with items such as scanners, memory storage, internet access, file transfers, print management system, etc. You must determine if you are simply looking for a fast printer or whether you need much more than that.
8. Brand
The brand, as with any product, can play a big part in your choice. Certain brands such as Canon come with an already established reputation as being a provider of high quality printers. However, you may find better deals with lesser known brands so you must weigh up the pros and cons. The reliability of a well-known brand may end up costing you less in the long run anyway.
9. Network Connectivity
Cloud cover is a function offered by many modern printers than enables your office printer to be connected to the entire staff under the same network. This means people can log into their computers and transfer files while on the printer. This saves both time and expenditure as you are not forced to buy individual printers for each desk.
10. Security
The user access can be an issue in companies that hold important information and transfer large amounts of files. You want to be sure that your data is always safe from outside sources and that it cannot be stolen. Most modern industrial printers come with these safety features through the network connectivity discussed above which requires each user to log in to their profiles and ensures all files are protected.