Business Continuity Planning : Two things you can do today

As news breaks today of further spread of the CoronaVirus, businesses globally are stepping up their response plan in case they face situations where staff travel is reduced or access to work spaces is limited due to enforced quarantines. 


From a business continuity perspective, here are two things you can look at today which will help you feel more prepared, improve your capacity to respond to any potential challenges and offer some comfort to your team:


1.Check that your Business Continuity Plan is up to date, effective and working well:

Having a disaster recovery (DR) or business continuity plan (BCP) in place for your IT network is not a decision we believe should be taken lightly nor is there a quick and easy solution for everybody. At Intuity we believe in getting to know your business and defining your specific requirements so that we can devise a tailor-made solution just for you. There a number of key factors we would urge our customers to consider before moving forward:


  • What elements of your network could encounter some form of downtime?
  • Are your main business applications/CRM in the cloud or located on the server?
  • If you are not in the cloud – would you like to consider this cost effective option?
  • In the event of an outage – what are your priorities? Access to business applications? Online Access?
  • What are your Recovery Point Objective’s? (RPO’s) how old is your most recent full backup of data.
  • What are your Recovery Time Objective’s (RTO’s) – how long is it until my servers and my users are back running.


We work with many clients on multi- platform solutions depending on their specific criteria and the demands of their individual business and the effect any downtime may have on it. Our disaster recovery solutions ensure your data is secure and downtime is at a minimum for your business!


If you do not already have this in place – call us today to discuss how we might help.( 0818 987 900)


  1. Staff Access

The ability of your team to deliver the same high standard of work regardless of their location, time zone, weather conditions or other impactful outside influences is an important consideration for a growing number of reasons in today’s corporate climate.


At Intuity we have a number of solutions which we deliver to our clients regularly which improve efficiency, collaboration and productivity. Microsoft Teams is just one of these tools. To read more about how we might help our people in achieving this regardless of what challenges come our way – click here.