CUMA 2020 A Fresh Perspective on Managed IT for Credit Unions
CUMA 2020 A Fresh Perspective
The Intuity Team are fresh back from the 2020 CUMA Spring Conference which we really enjoyed so much this year. As in previous years, highlights were meeting up with all of the familiar friends and colleagues whom we have been doing business with for over 4 decades now . For us, this year was particularly interesting as we had a whole new offering to discuss and brand new conversations to be had!
Our announcement earlier in the year regarding our partnership with Progress Systems was obviously a conversation point at CUMA, but this conversation led in many cases to discussions with our friends and colleagues about just how much more we now have to offer our Credit Union clients. The fact that we now deliver Managed IT, Managed Print, Member Engagement Solutions and our broad selection of IT & Data Security Solutions and Services, mean that we now bring a whole new level of expertise to sit alongside our forty years industry knowledge and expertise – a unique and valuable proposition.
Out team had some great takeaways from the key speakers at this year’s event. Highlights from the Creating Strategic Alignment session with Karan Sonpar include :
- Get your Strategic plan onto Page 1
- Strategic listening – Listen for more than 18 seconds before you interrupt
- After Action review
- Choose the right people and get consensus from your team
- Communicate – Begin with “why”
- Connect the “what” and the “how”.
This year was also a first CUMA for two of our Intuity team. Our business development executive, Leanne Mowlds enjoyed attending and meeting everyone and sharing all of our Intuity news with them. Ian Fogerty, our Business Development Manager with a particular focus on Managed Print Services, enjoyed speaking with delegates about our Canon partnership and the unique proposition our managed print offering now extends to Credit Unions. To finally put faces to all the voices he had spoken to over the phone in recent months, was something which Ian particularly enjoyed.
If you would like to talk to any of our team about our Credit Union expertise, our project with The Hive for instance, or perhaps you would like us to help you improve your member engagement ? Or maybe you would like to get your team up to speed to ensure your human firewall is helping protect your Credit Union and your member data? Whatever the question, we would love to hear from you. Simply email or call 0818 987 900 today and we will schedule a meeting to help. See you all next year!