How to arrange office furniture
Utilising all the space is essential when organising office furniture. The layout is important so you must decide on the number of cubicles, if any, there will be and how much desks and seats are needed. You will also want to consider the style you are going for. This can be good for the attitude of the employees in avoiding distractions or undesirable features. If there are going to be customers in your office then you need to make sure the furniture is laid out accordingly, with a reception upon greeting, waiting area, room for private conversations, etc. You might be moving in new furniture and replacing old, rearranging current pieces or considering what to buy for a completely new office space.
How do I use my space to its fullest?
Measuring is the key here, knowing the exact size of your room and the exact size of your furniture allows you to plan a layout that leaves a desired space. If you have an existing layout that you are changing then being able to move objects without lifting them is a benefit.
Where is the best place to put my desk?
You must consider a number of factors when positioning your desk. If you are using electronic devices you will need to make sure you are close enough to a wall socket in order for any cables to reach. Since this is where you are going to be sitting the majority of the time you will want to be near a window for light but not near too much distracting aspects such as the canteen area or reception desk which may be busy with conversations. You will want a quite space while making sure there is easy access to your desk. If you have a home office the same rules apply, you will want the desk far from any distractions with no obstacles in its way.
Where should I put the essential office equipment?
In the case of the equipment which is frequently used such as the printers, filing cabinets and copywriter, they should be in places which are easily accessible to your employees but far enough away from desks that they will not be a distraction. You could consider building an individual cubicle for the copywriter and filing cabinets but this will take from vital space. For printers, they must be in range of the computers and close to electric outlets. You could have one printer that works for a row of computers allowing smaller desks to be installed. This can lead to backlogs in work if queues of employees need to use the printer so you must weigh the pros and cons.
Should I have cubicles put in?
To maximise the space in your room then this is no ideal but it can be essential to have separate rooms for conference meetings, confidential interviews and management privacy. The best thing to do is make them only as big as absolutely necessary, finding out how many people will be in the cubicle at any given time. This means you can work out the amount of desks, chairs, computers and other devices that will be needed and determine the size of the proposed cubicle from this.
Arranging your office furniture in a way that is adaptable, spacious, convenient and attractive is of upmost importance when pre-planning this task. For larger tasks it may be advisable to seek professional help from office fit out contractors who will build and arrange everything within your office.