Office printer security
As the market has evolved, the technology associated with office equipment continues to develop at an ever increasing pace.
Over the last several years alone, traditional office equipment has leapfrogged in technology, expanding its functional capabilities, while at the same time becoming an integral part of the company network and the Internet. As a result, a new level of security awareness has become important.
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Canon’s attention to emerging market trends and details surrounding customer security requirements has driven the development of features within the Canon imageRUNNER/imagePRESS product range designed to thwart data loss and the potential threats posed by hackers.
If you look at these machines as just copiers or printers, you first wonder if you really need security.
Then you realize conventional office equipment now incorporates significant technology advances and capabilities that make all documents an integrated part of a corporate network that also involves the Intranet and Internet.
Government agencies, corporations and non-profits are increasingly transitioning from traditional stand-alone machines to devices that integrate these functions and link them to corporate networks, raising a whole new era of information management and security issues.
Our development of features within the Canon imageRUNNER and imagePRESS product portfolios are designed to help prevent data loss, help protect against unwanted device infiltration and help keep information from being compromised.
In today’s digital world, risks to networks and devices come in more forms and from more directions than ever before.
From identity theft and intellectual property loss to infection by viruses and trojan horses, Information Technology (IT) administrators today find themselves playing an additional role of security officer to adequately protect information and assets from threats from the outside as well as within.
Nearly every day destructive threats emerge and undiscovered vulnerabilities are exposed, proving that you can never be too secure.
Information Technology(IT) administrators need a holistic security strategy that can be applied at every level of the organization — from servers, desktops and devices such as Multifunction printers(MFPs), to the computer networks that connect them all.
As if the risks to computers, networks and devices weren’t difficult enough to address, increased governmental regulations add an additional layer of strict compliance standards that must be met.
All the government regulations require that Information Technology (IT) administrators ensure the security, privacy, accuracy and reliability of information receives the utmost attention.
Today’s multifunction printers share many similarities with general purpose Personal Computers.
They contain many of the same components like Central Processing Units (CPUs), memory and hard disks; and some even use mainstream operating systems like Windows or Linux.
Like any other device on the network, sensitive information may be passed through these printers and stored in the device’s hard disk and memory. Yet at many companies multifunction devices are not given the same attention concerning information security.
The Canon imageRUNNER/imagePRESS Security White Paper has been designed to provide detailed information on how the Canon imageRUNNER and imagePRESS series of printer devices can address a wide variety of security concerns.
Canon imageRUNNER and imagePRESS print devices offer many standard security capabilities, as well as a number of advanced security options that may be added for a higher level of confidentiality, integrity and availability of your mission critical information.
Canon recognizes the vital need to help prevent data loss, protect against unwanted device use, and mitigate the risk of information being compromised. As a result, all Canon imageRUNNER/imagePRESS devices include many standard security features to help safeguard information.
Canon imageRUNNER security capabilities fall into three key areas:
- Device Security
- Network Security
- Security Monitoring/Management Tools
At the heart of every Canon imageRUNNER/imagePRESS device is the Canon image Platform controller.
The controller runs a proprietary operating system that is not widely available or distributed and has been expressly designed to run embedded applications developed by Canon.