Ransomware Recommendations
There has been a significant increase in ransomware attacks globally throughout the pandemic with the most recent attack in Ireland destroying reputations, exposing sensitive and confidential information with estimations in the ‘tens of millions of euros’ in expected financial costs.
So, What Is Ransomware?
It is a malicious program similar to a virus which is designed to scan our hard drive and encrypt as many files as possible to disable our ability to access them. The encrypted files are then held and you have to pay – the ransom – in order to retrieve the files. Other types of ransomware can appear as an email attachment – often a password protected PDF or Word document. Typically these attachments can appear to be invoices or quotes from legitimate- appearing companies. Infection can also occur on an exploited or hacked websites.
Check out our IT Security Blog for advice on tips to Improve your IT Security and guidance on Disabling Local Admin Rights among others.
In the meantime – here are our Ransomware Recommendations in helping you best protect your business :
Best Practice
- Check twice before you open any attachment, even if you know the sender.
- Do not open any attachment from an unknown sender.
- If the mail or its attachment looks slightly unusual – Do Not Open It.
- Do not store important files on your local PC – Important files should be saved on your server which should have a current backup plan.
Files stored locally are not backed up – if you have no backup we cannot restore your files. Your Anti-virus may not always protect you from ransomware – however, please ensure it is updated and running.
If You Have Been Infected
- Shut down the infected machine immediately.
- Disconnect all the shared network drives on your other machines.
- Run your anti-virus.
- Call our helpdesk on 0818 987 900 and we will guide you through the process.
PLEASE do not pay the ransom, we are aware of instances where the ransom has been paid but the files haven’t been decrypted.
We would like to stress to you the importance of having a backup system in place for your critical files, as there is no way to recover the infected files without the decryption key.
Peace Of Mind
To offer your team greater peace of mind and protection consider providing Security Awareness Training for them which in turn will greater protect your business.
Feel free to call us today if you would like more information on how we could help you better protect your business.