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Empathy: We will walk in your shoes. . . .
I’ve been asked personally what my best and worst purchases were. The answer to both is the same product: Cars
My worst purchase was a car when I was living 5 minutes from my office in Dublin, where a car is as much use inside the M50 as a concrete block. The use I did get was the odd weekend traveling west. In addition to this the car itself was not what you would call reliable or fit for purpose. To give you two examples, the exhaust was stuck onto the bottom of the car with cement, and the alternator was shortened with a nail. This is a great short-term fix but not the next owners’ requirement for an alternator.
The best purchase was later in life when I moved further out of the city and was starting a family. At that stage the requirement of the car was to be reliable. Less NCT’s more A to B’s.
I decided that NEW was the way to go. I did weeks and weeks of research… Visiting garages, testing cars, reading reviews etc.
I was looking for a standard family saloon. I’ve got BMW, Skoda, Ford Mondeo and VW Passat to name but a few on the list. The latter 2 giving additional piece of mind as being easy to service, since the knowledge of these is high amongst mechanics.
The decision made at the time was a brand-new Passat: Price + Reliability + Criteria required + Trade-in offer + any garage can repair (if there is an issue) = Winner.
I’ve test driven it multiple times and I’m hours away from purchasing the car, when the dealer gets delayed. Then I start browsing the used car catalogue …
6-month-old Passat 2,560km on the clock, price perfect, trade-in applies, reason for low mileage: used by the garage = Saving.
I sat there with the dealer and apologised for reducing his commission, asked his opinion on my new decision and were there any downsides etc. He admitted it was the best deal and there was nothing he could add to change my mind.
In summary, the same product can be either a hindrance or a benefit to you and your family/business. But having the research done for you and seeing the results is a huge benefit and peace of mind. At Intuity we use all the products we sell ourselves in our business. This way, we know the product and can credibly help you make the right choice for your team and your business. We have the qualified experts to support it, and we work hard to know your business so that we can help make the decision with you.
One of our core values is Empathy – when new people join us here at Intuity, we explain to them that at Intuity, Empathy means “we walk in our customers shoes”. As the Product and Services Manager, I can confirm we do not promote or support cars, but if we did, I know the team would test it so that they could stand in your shoes and advise on the right choice for you.
Don’t let the exhaust fall out! Contact us today – you can even ask for me. I am happy to try on your shoes…
0818 987 900